One Great Cruise!!!

One Great Cruise!!!
Life is Good

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Friday, April 30, 2010

Plastic Surgery and Other Seaworthy Subjects

DIFFERENT PLACES IN THE INDIAN OCEAN--April 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27

Got your attention, didn't we? Yes, we will blog about a passenger on the ship who has had eight plastic surgery procedures. But, first, we want to introduce the new passengers from Cruise Critic who boarded in Singapore. At our luncheon on April 23 that was hosted by our fearless leader MaryAnn, also known as Wowzo or Ken's new older sister, we welcomed Charlotte and Harold, Diane and Rob, and Gerry and Claire from Vancouver, Canada; Ben and Marilyn from Los Angeles; Elaine and Myron from Boynton Beach; Brenda and Frank from Oregon; and Kay and Jim from Albuquerque. Their photographs are at the top of this entry.

Now to the topic of plastic surgery. The passengers and crew on a small ship that is sailing around the world for 107 days become like a small-town community. We love the professional entertainment and speakers on the ship but we also like the showcasing of passengers as talent and speakers. They usually receive a pretty good turnout but nothing generated as much buzz and excitement as this announcement in the Princess Patter on April 22:

Happily married for 39 years, fellow passenger Sue, between 2000-2008, underwent eight procedures to improver her appearance at a cost of $45,000. This includes a tummy tuck, liposuction, eye and neck lift, breast lift and breast implants for a total of 16 hours in the operating room. Now join Frankie and Sue in the Cabaret Lounge at 3:15 p.m. for "the rest of the story."

Who was this mysterious Sue? The Cabaret Lounge was packed to learn the answer to the question of the day. Frankie, the deputy cruise director, introduced the session by saying, "What if I told you Sue did not exist?" When he looked into the cold eyes of the crowd that implied, "How many passengers would it take to throw the Deputy Cruise Director overboard? (and we have more than enough), he asked everyone named Sue to raise her hand. After all the other Sues said they were not the Sue in question, he asked a very attractive red-head if she was Sue. Sue really did exist and was not hesitant in telling her story. After giving birth to three sons and becoming depressed about her "jelly belly," Sue had a tummy tuck, followed by liposuction, in 2000. Pleased with her flat tummy, she lost 30 pounds. Then she became "addicted" (her word) to plastic surgery and told the audience that anyone who was thinking about it should "Go for it." She stated that she had very little pain and no post-operative problems. A recovery room nurse on board commented that while she was happy for Sue, these procedures could result in major complications.

After several other procedures, of which it seems that no one can have too many liposuction procedures, she had the major overhaul in 2008. She did feel bad when she was having dinner with her 32-year-old son and the waiter told him his partner was "hot." She said her son's wife is gorgeous. Now, how bad would some of you feel if a person thought you were an attractive date for a man almost 30 years your junior? The wife of one of her sons who gave birth to triplets is thinking of having a tummy tuck. Ken said he recognized Sue from the gym but because Sara has been to the gym only once since boarding the ship, she had never seen her. We both agreed that she looks really good.

As for entertainment showas we all enjoyed the Liars All Game Show, hosted by Frankie and starring JJ King, our cruise director, and three of the entertainers. It was one of the funniest shows ever. Each of the panel members had his or her own gimmick that was incorporated into any of the answers. The word that most of the audience remembered was meacock. The cruise director reminded us that he had been on cruise ships for 25 years and that meacock was a nautical term for the mess that the crew made after eating and drinking too much. Tom, the magician, told us that he knew the meaning because his father owned a hardware store and a meacock was the plate that the door knocker hit. The lovely Scottish singer Kaitlyn, who had already mentioned a different boyfriend in each of her answers, replied that her college boyfriend ended up marrying another girlfriend who was rather controlling and henpecked him so that he became a meacock. Rikki, the comedian whom we learned was engaged to the beautiful Kaitlyn, wove pyramids and pygmies in Egypt into all of his retorts. Meacock was a game that the pygmies played with a shuttlecock when they were not working on the pyramids. The eight teams of passengers divided their votes between Tom and Rikki. But sweet, innocent Kaitlyn was correct with the hen-pecked husband answer!

Other homegrown entertainment that we have enjoyed included Dancing with the Stripes, in which each of the six dancers on board selected a crew member as a partner (made even more fun when we learned that all of the heterosexual partners were dating); The Pacific Princess Choir composed of passengers who practice every sea day at noon; and the talent show featuring our fellow passengers. We still have to look forward to the Crew Talent Show with our beautician, Allysa, exercising her beautiful voice in song. Many of the talent were discovered at karaoke nights in the crew bar. What we would really like to do before the end of the cruise is for the ship to offer a tour of the crew's staterooms and entertainment facilities on Decks 2 and 3.

We are sure that you now have a better understanding of why it is going to be so difficult for us when the cruise ends on May 15. Do you think that our precious pampered princess kitty Foxy, our postman, our paper carrier, Sara' students and classmates in her water aerobics classes, and our friends and neighbors will know that we expect them to sing, dance, play instruments, choreograph production numbers and entertain us in every way possible? Someone better let them know!

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